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Original version: New Repsource

New Repsource
Focused on your business

A new Repsource will go live across Canada on April 30.

Manulife has undertaken a major redesign of Repsource to meet your growing business needs. You told us information was difficult to find and to get to it there were too many clicks. We listened and have made changes that include improving the search capability, removing clutter and reorganizing information so that it’s easier to find what you’re looking for.

Sign up for training today
When the new Repsource website goes live on April 30, the present site will no longer be available. Be prepared to use the new features and understand the site’s many enhancements by signing up for a one-hour Webex training session today.

Log on to Repsource to register for your training session.

How to get ready for new Repsource
Exciting new features

How to get ready for new Repsource

Here are some things to do to prepare for the launch of new Repsource.

Exciting new Repsource features
Among the many enhancements to the website, four are generating the most excitement.